Health Insurance Blog

Question #44 How do I send in Documents to the Marketplace?

Posted by:
Tim Jackson
October 27, 2015
How do I send in documents to the marketplace?

How do I send in documents to the marketplace? and Why do I need to send documents to the marketplace? Why does the marketplace never get the documents I mail them? If I get a letter from how do I know it’s legit?

The healthcare marketplace may ask you to send in documents to verify your citizenship or your income.

Why does this happen?  When you sign up for a plan and what you enter on the application doesn’t match up with records they have.  This is when they might ask you to send in documents to verify that the information you put on your application is correct.

If you are asked to send in documents to the marketplace there are two ways to submit them.  The first (and easiest and quickest) way to do so is to log onto your marketplace account click on your application.  On the left hand side there is a list of options you need to click on application details.  On the application details page it has a place where you can upload your documents.  If for some reason that option is not available to you you can mail in the documents.

The address for the marketplace is:

Supporting Documents

Health Insurance Marketplace

Department of Health and Human Services

465 Industrial Blvd.

London, Kentucky 40750-0001

An important thing to keep in mind when submitting documents is that on EVERY SINGLE PAGE YOU SUBMIT you need to write:

  • Your First and Last Name
  • The State Where You Live
  • Your Social Security Number
  • Application ID Number

If you do not write this information on EVERY SINGLE PAGE (especially when you are mailing the documents in) then they will not even bother looking at it they will just shred the information.  This could be a reason why when you mail in your documents they say that they never received anything.

If you receive a letter from and you are not sure if it is legit or not you can always call the marketplace to verify it.  The healthcare marketplace phone number is 800-318-2596.

Katharine Bristow

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