Health Insurance Blog

Did you pick the wrong health insurance plan?

Posted by:
Tim Jackson
August 10, 2016
We’ve all made mistakes. Big ones. Little ones.

We’ve all made mistakes.  Big ones.  Little ones.  Heck, we may even be making a mistake by reading this blog right now instead of doing something more important.  All of these mistakes have left us regretting or kicking ourselves for a poor decision.  Now, hopefully you aren’t wallowing too long in the regret mode–as doing so can cause unnecessary stress.  But when it comes to something like health insurance, that mistake in picking the wrong plan can keep on kicking you in the year to come.  Maybe even longer than that.

We live in a country that is somewhat strange when it comes to health care and health insurance.  Seriously…can we just take a minute and acknowledge how odd some of the conditions and practices are.  Ok, thanks.  So with this strange situation dictated to us by the government, health insurance providers and health care professionals, there are a lot of decisions to be made.  Each of these decisions can have lasting consequences.

For instance, if you have a plan that has a very high deductible and is extremely out of budget in terms of health care being covered, you may decide not to go to the doctor.  That may be a good decision.  But it may also be a very bad decision.

Or perhaps you pay a lot for your health insurance and you have awesome coverage that allows you to have basically every procedure and doctor visit under the sun at a relatively low cost.  So you may go to the doctor WAY too much and be diagnosed and treated for problems that may or may not even exist.  Sorry folks, this one really does happen.  A.  Lot.

Or maybe you picked a plan that should have been perfect for your and your family’s needs.  But now those needs have changed.  This can happen for a number of reasons: increase of income, decrease of income, addition of children, loss of family member, sudden diagnoses of illness that requires constant medical care.

SO if any of these, or countless other situations describe your health insurance experience we can help.  We talk to people that have very unique and difficult circumstances every day.  Our office is able to address their needs and walk them through a process that will give them better health insurance coverage for their situation.  Our services are free because we contract with the actual health insurance carriers.  So they pay us.  You don’t pay us.  Your plan will cost the same whether or not you use a health insurance agent.  But this advice that we offer will save you a lot of headaches and probably a lot of money because you will actually have the plan that you need.  And best of all, the health insurance plan that you pick will no longer be a mistake that causes you trouble but a peaceful detail of your life that you know that you handled correctly.

This article was written by Marissa Gramoll, Marketing and Social Media Architect for The Health Insurance Specialists.

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