Health Insurance Blog

Question # 75 What is covered under preventative care?

Posted by:
Tim Jackson
October 7, 2015
Preventative Care is a medical treatment, procedure or doctor’s visit that you receive to prevent yourself from undergoing a serious illness or to cat

Preventative Care is a medical treatment, procedure or doctor’s visit that you receive to prevent yourself from undergoing a serious illness or to catch any health problems early.  Most of these are considered screenings or counseling.

There is a long list of things that are now considered “preventative care” and will be covered at 100% regardless of your health insurance carrier or plan (as long as it meets the requirements of the Affordable Care Act).

Though this list is long, here are a few things that would be considered preventative:

Physicals–including blood work, vaccines, and the normal blood pressure and temperature checks etc that your doctor sees fit.

Mammograms and Osteoporosis Screenings

Annual Gynecological Visits

Most screenings and treatments for Pregnant Women–Including a breast milk pump for after the baby is born

Breast cancer screenings

Contraception–including sterilization procedures

Domestic violence screening and counseling

Depression Screenings

Immunizations and vaccines for adults and children

For a full list of what is covered as preventative care, see this page.

This  blog was written by Marissa, a Health Insurance Specialist.

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