Health Insurance Blog


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Tim Jackson
August 28, 2014
Are They Really Necessary? When you get into the health and fitness world, it seems that every time you turn around, there’s a new company trying...

Are They Really Necessary? When you get into the health and fitness world, it seems that every time you turn around, there’s a new company trying to sell you a new product that will help you lose weight or gain muscle or all of the above. So the question is, are supplements really necessary? Do they really help?

The supplement industry has become a billion dollar industry built on the concept of making us healthier and it seems that everybody wants to get into the business. So there’s a lot of opportunities for these companies. When considering using a supplement there’s a lot of options to look at it’s hard to understand what is best.
Bottom line, do you need supplements? No, you don’t really need them. Every goal you are trying to accomplish can be done without supplements. You can use a meal plan and purchase normal food that you buy at a grocery store.

So, why has this industry grown so much if there is really not a necessary need for it. Well, that’s because supplements are convenient. It’s easier to take a pill or a drink, a protein drink that would help you reach your fitness goals. Out of conveniences with our busy lifestyles supplements have become very popular. Do they help you conveniently reach your health and fitness goals? Absolutely. They make life very easy because you’re able to drink a protein drink on a run or you’re able to take a pill that will suppress your diet instead of actually using a meal plan that reduces your calories. So yeah, they work, but I would caution you that some of it is a waste of money and you might not need it. It might be something you can do without a supplement. With good research on the products you want to use and with enough money they actually can help you with your goals either by losing weight or gaining muscle, but if you don’t have the money there’s other ways to do it, and you can do it for a lot less money and still achieve the same goals.

This article was written by Timothy, a contributing writer and President of The Health Insurance Specialists.

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